About Us

Your Haven for Sustainable Wellness

Welcome to Green Harbor Apothecary, your eco-friendly sanctuary for sustainable living. Discover our curated collection of natural skincare, tinctures, and herbs that nurture your body and the Earth. We prioritize the environment by choosing products carefully, offering refillable options, and ditching synthetic ingredients. Our mission is to help you live sustainably without compromising quality. Join our community of like-minded individuals who aspire to a healthier future. We are here to support your sustainable living journey, whether you need skincare solutions, herbal remedies, or eco-friendly advice. Together, let's make a positive impact on our planet. Shop Green Harbor Apothecary today for local pick-up or delivery and experience a step towards a greener, wholesome life.

Jamie is back doing limited massages! If you are interested in a therapeutic massage with her, click here.